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Sunday, July 30, 2017

New fuel system in the works!

I have been bad at keeping this site updated but truthfully not much progress on the car has been made since my post last year. Essentially, the car will only run properly after warm-up and I was never able to get the cold start issue resolved. Honestly, I'm tired of throwing chunks of money on specialty tools and parts for a 35 year old mechanical fuel injection system.

I have decided to replace the K-Jet system with carburation. I really struggled with this decision on a couple of different levels. First, I am a purist and really desired to keep the car as close to original spec as possible. Second, after deciding to change the fuel system, I wanted to go with a more modern configuration. The modern choice is EFI; however, the costs, lack of knowledge on my end, and thought process that I might be replacing one fiddly thing with another pushed me to go with a simplistic approach.

I made this decision in June of this year and have been working with an individual to put together a turnkey solution. Provided this strategy is successful, I will likely be selling the K-Jet parts and tools to recoup some of the costs of the conversion. I hope to have a progress report soon and will post the details here when they become available.