Day 1...

Day 1...

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Fuel System Rebuild Phase 1

I placed the order a couple weeks back and got all the parts before Thanksgiving. I was tied up with holiday obligations so last night was my first opportunity to tear into things and start working to get it sorted.

I snapped this picture before I got started for point of reference.


Next I started to remove pieces for access. The air filter assembly came off. Several electrical connections were unplugged. I used masking tape and a Sharpie to label everything so I wouldn't be lost on reassembly. 

The individual fuel lines were loosened and removed. Finally the metering assembly was ready to come out. 4 bolts at the Y-pipe and 3 hex-head #5 metrics at the rear for some brackets, and the thing came loose. 

Here's the metering assembly removed. I went ahead and ordered a replacement gasket, which should be here today or tomorrow. 
Apologies for the crummy picture quality. It was a little out of focus.

Tonight and tomorrow I plan to clean the exposes pieces, pull the injectors, label and remove the spark plug wires, replace the distrubutor cap & rotor, pull the spark plugs, and gap and install the new plugs.That will leave the fuel line replacement for later in the week. Stay tuned.