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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Last Fuel Line

Well I have one last fuel line to replace and connect before I can flow test everything including the injectors. It's the return line that runs from the fuel distributor to the fuel accumulator. There is a soft line that comes off the fuel distributor and connects to a metal hard line by means of a compression fitting.

Last night I was able to remove the soft line by holding a 14mm wrench on the soft line side and a 17mm wrench in the middle. I had already removed the cupped-nut on the far right (orientation relative to the pictures below). So now I have the soft line removed and the far right nut loose. My next step is to figure out how to get the middle section with the 17mm fitting loose, as my replacement parts look to replace this fitting.

Here are the pictures. I'm trying to be as careful as possible so as not to damage the metal line. That would be a royal pain if I had to replace that.

In the picture above, you'll see a 17mm wrench on the middle fitting of the line. It's below the ignition coil and stabilizer bar.

Here is a picture of the same fitting up close. Notice the nut on the far right is loose.

Now the soft line with the 14mm connection has been removed. The middle section with the compression fitting to the hard line is still in tact. It spins freely on the hard line but I cannot get it to pull or push loose.

This is a picture of the replacement fitting.