Day 1...

Day 1...

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Carb Conversion Part II

The carb conversion is now complete. I spent the majority of Saturday afternoon completing the remaining items to finish the conversion, which included:

  • Plugging the line on the back of the accumulator
  • Removing and running a new 3/16" ID trans modulator vacuum line
  • Removing the old fuel filter for the K-Jet system
  • Running a keyed (+) 12V wire to the electric choke
  • Shorten and set throttle and trans cables
  • Install metal fuel line between carb and pump
  • Install new compression fitting and barb for supply line to pump hose intake
  • Cable management and cleanup
I think that covers everything. Here's a current picture of what the finished install looks like.

Before I can start the car, I need to get some fresh gasoline and a jug of coolant because the tank is a little low. I plan on doing that tomorrow on my way home from work. 

This has been an exciting and smooth conversion. I'm very pleased with how everything has turned out up until this point. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jeff! Im the owner of Delorean 2190 and im looking to get in contact with bill for a carb conversion. Would you happen to know how to get a hold of him?
    My email is

