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Day 1...

Thursday, August 16, 2012

More Glasswork and Cooling Fan Update

I've done some more fiberglass work on the rear louvre this week but ran out of disposable gloves. I'll grab some more in the next day or two so I can finish this part and post some updated pics.

In the meantime, I've completed my fan relay circuit as previously described. The nice things about this is I have not hacked into the original wiring. This is a plug-and-play solution that will plug directly into the 2 relay holders for the car's original fan relay circuit. Here's a pic of the finished product:

All I have to do is ground it, wire in the manual switch and plug it in.

I also got the title transfer knocked out today. Had to go to the downtown records building and file the paperwork. They wouldn't let me register it as an antique until I put insurance on it. Government stuff gives me tired-head.

I was watching Chasing Classic Cars this week on the Velocity channel and noticed a brief shot of a DeLorean.